Gestosis - Index (OG)
To assess the severity of the syndrome and the
effet of your therapy
as suggested by
Claus Goecke, Aachen / Germany |
Α scoring system similar to the Apgar Score has been suggested by
Goecke and modified by ΕΙ Kabarity to help to monitor the condition of the ΕΡΗ
-Gestosis patient. It has to be carried out freguently .Α close
correlation between the severity of the signs and symptoms on
one side and perinatal mortality and small -for-date babies
on the other
side has been proven. |
Severity: GI 1-4
mild, GI 5-7 moderate GI 8-11 severe EI Eclampsia
EC Eclampsia convulsiva |
Symptoms of immiment eclampsia EI
yes no |
Symptoms of convulsive eclampsia EC
yes no |
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