The Ain
Shams International Center for the Study of
Pathophysiology of Pregnancy and Fetus.
C.S.P.P. |
In 1996 in Cairo, Egypt and after several years of preparatory
work the African Society of Organisation Gestosis (ASOG, see Link 25 ) was
founded. And in its wake
Prof. Handi EI Kabarity
Established in 2001 the
Ain Shams International
Center for the
Study of
Pathophysiology of
Pregnancy and fetus
This instution is offerin 9 post graduate courses in the field of ΕΡΗ -Gestosis.
Its aim is to spread correct knowledge on ΕΡΗ -Gestosis, ist definitions,
nomenclature and classifications as well as in management. It also includes the
training in conditions of high risk pregnancies e.g. diabetes mellitus, and
anemias in pregnancy etc.
The program of this institute is devided ίπ three periods.
2001 -2004
Spread knowledge
Offer educational courses and training for primary health care to
like Medical Doctors
Registered Nurses
Social Workers
Traditional Birth Attendants
So far two courses have been completed and an attendance of
250 participants
from different parts of Egypt
2005 -2009
Educational training courses of one to three months duration for
Middle East Arabian delegates
African attendants
Also other countries world
Its aims has been defined as training in the management of
severe ΕΡΗ -Gestosis
Imminent and Convulsive Eclampsia
In Intensive Care Units,
applying the ΕΙ Kabarity modified Gestosis Index
(LΙΝΚ 12)
3. Phase
2009 and after
Βy then it will be possible to obtain a post
graduate diploma.
The work for this award will include
Theoretical lectures
Bedside teaching
Attendance and cooperation in IUC -management |
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