Founded 1969 in Basel Switzerland
Members : ca 4500
Regional Secretariats 9
Representatives 65 |
Obstetricians, gynaecologists,
perinatalogists, nephrologists, epidemiologists and
staticians, pathologists, geneticians, immunologists,
psychiatrists, health officials. Midwives, nurses,
traditional birth attendants (ΤΒΑ) social workers.
psychologist, intertested ίπ the syndrome of ΕΡΗ
-Gestosis |
ΕΡΗ -Gestosis is a term adopted by the
Society to describe a pregnancy complication wherein a
woman exhibits excessive accumulation of body water
and/or pathological excretion of protein in her urin
and/or abnormal elevated blood pressure.
ΕΡΗ is derived from the the term for three conditions,
Edema, Proteinuria and Hypertension. Gestosis is
derived from the word Gestation and the suffix
which means disturbance. The conditon is prevalent in
socio-.economically depressed areas, where poor
hygiene, malnutrition and ack of knowledge aggravates
the the effect of inadequate prenatal care. The
Society reports that ΕΡΗ -Gestosis occurs in 10 % of
the world population births, is reponsible for as much
as 50 % of perinatal fetal deaths and is the cause of
υρ to 35 % of maternal mortaity. Κίller
Νο. 1 for the babies and the mothers. The baby
is 100 times more endangered than the mother. |
Objectives are
Το disseminate infomation to
the medical and
personnel and to the public.
2. Foster
research, preventive health care and therapy.
Internationalize nomenclature, classifications and
definitions ίπ the field of ΕΡΗ- Gestosis, therapy and
comparative technics, standardize methods of
4. Foster exchange
of scentists.
5. Conduct work
shops, discussion groups, symposia and study groups οπ
topics Iike pathological edema, pathological
proteinuria and hypertension, cytology, serum
proteins, psychiatric aspects of ΕΡΗ -Gestosis, etc.
6. Suggests
alterations of definition of ΕΡΗ -Gestosis as offered
by the International Classification of Diseases of the
World Health Organisation, and of the FIGO ( see Iink
18 )
Makes recommendations for the most modern and
successfull measures of
prevention and therapy of ΕΡΗ -Gestosis (see Link 19,
also OGASH Link 26)
8. Collects and
publishes papers and monographs submitted by by
reseaerchers world wide.
9. Is preparing
its own Journal of Pathophysiology of Pregnancy
(possibly on.line)
Operates the
Organisation Gestosis Press, (OGP) , Associate
Publisher :CIC Edizioni
Internationali S.r.l., Rome, Italy
11. Is
establishing and enlarging its own
Library dedicated
to the problems of ΕΡΗ Gestosis and associated fields
of interest.
12. Organizes
regularely yearly meetings.(see Link 23)
13. Has
established the Organisation Gestosis Affiliated and
Sponsored Hospitals, OGASH.) (see
link 26)
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©opyright 2003 - 2025 by Organisation Gestosis, All rights reserved. |
