ΕΡΗ -Gestosis
can be prevented ίπ many cases, severe cases can be
turned ίπ to milder forms, easier to handle, with
better results. |
Το prevent ΕΡΗ -Gestosis is extremely economical.
If course
prenatal care is to be available to every pregnant woman. Teaching about ΕΡΗ
-Gestosis facilitates to prevent or to pick υρ early
cases. The efficacity of this concept is being documentet by a
large number of
publications (WHO)
ΕΡΗ -Gestosis is costly to take care of. If the
patient remains sick after the delivery even more so. If she is an invalid
because of cerebral damage due to EC, the gouvernement has to support her for
the rest of her Iife.
Α mutilated, stunned., malformed baby after ΕΡΗ -
Gestosis might suffer from that trauma for the rest of his life. He needs
special care, medicaments, support, special schooling, might be unable gain his
own Iiving, dependant οπ help permanently.
This his Iife Iong support amounts ίπ a life span of average 60 years to
expenses of about
1 '000'000
If he does not work, if he does not earn any money he is not able to pay taxes
to the gouvernement. Again an accumulated loss of tax
money of
1 '000'000
It is very economical to prevent ΕΡΗ -Gestosis |
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©opyright 2003 - 2025 by Organisation Gestosis, All rights reserved. |