ΕΡΗ -Gestosis is the pregancy
complication of the neglected woman ( third world,
fourth world), equippement in those areas may be
scarce ΟΓ non existent. Most simple tests therefore
are to be recommended
The sequens of the cardinal signs and symptoms, ΕΡΗ
is derived
a from its importance
b from the time of its appearance |
Edema ( Ε )
first to appear = pathological water retention, also
sudden weight gain It is abnormal when not disappeared
after a good nights rest.It can be
detected by the
patient herself .
Test: One spot one finger, one minute.
Proteinuria (Ρ) second to appear
Abnormal amount of proteins excreted through
the urin.
Test : Dipsticks. Pathological when more than trace
in any urin specimen
24 hour specimen only required when quantitative
amount of protein is to be assessed
The patient does not notice proteinuria.
3. Hypertension (Η)
, Iast to appear.(Korotkoff 4)
Last normal reading:
systolic: 135
diastolic 85
First pathological reading :
systol jc 140
diastolic 90
In previous hypotension pathological is a rise of
systolic 30 mm Hg
diastolic 15 mm Hg |
"Hypertension" varies greatly from one
population group to the other. e.g, ίπ the Philippines
the blood prerssure of 135/185 is considered as
hypertension. Therefore the Iimits have to be
corrected according to the average blood pressure
values ίπ every region. |
It is of advantage to use in the same
patient always the same type of equippment,
ί.e. Tin
can manometer.
Hg apparatus
Electronic devices.
the results otherwise might vary greatly and give a
wrong picture. |
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©opyright 2003 - 2025 by Organisation Gestosis, All rights reserved. |